Teach the way they learn
“If they don’t learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn.” -O. Ivar Lovass
The mission of Known is to teach kids with neurodiversities the name of Jesus. If our kiddos in Sunday School, summer camp, or even at home aren’t understanding and engaging with the typical children’s Bible lesson we need to switch it up. Let’s go on a journey together to teach the way they learn instead of the way we expect them to learn.
Teaching the way they learn might look like a whole lot of trial and error! Some days you will leave wondering if they heard a word you said, but then you will see a breakthrough! When you least expect it you will hear them talking about a lesson or telling a friend about an activity… and that makes it all worth it.
What does it look like to teach the way they learn? It will be different for every kiddo! We will look at all types of learners, pick lessons and activities to fit their needs instead of trying to mold them into our box. Some of our kids will learn by hearing us tell stories, some will learn by watching it acted out, and some will learn by engaging with their hands. Try all three to start and see which one seems to interest your kiddos the most!