May everything be true
“Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.” Luke 1:38
What about your every day life would change if we prayed like Mary and said everything you have planned for me, everything you think about me, its true. That seems like a fearless prayer to me. It not only seems fearless, but it also shows a level of faith that is hard to fathom. When I read that Mary said everything is true that the Lord has said, I think of the pain she would endure. The rejection that would come her way. She might not have known all the plans the Lord had for her when she first spoke these words, but do any of us know the plans God has for us in the years to come? I sure don’t.
Mary trusted the Lord with her life, which I am sure was hard. But as a parent I think trusting God with our children’s lives is so much harder. I will be the first to admit I am an anxious first time mother, every time my little one is sick I am worried and googling everything I need to do. I want to take all matters into my own hands. But when Mary said “May everything you have said about me come true” it involved her son, her precious first born son. I am sure you know the story, but she eventually watched her son die a gruesome death.
Do you think she wanted to take back her words of everything coming true in the moments Jesus took His last breath, I don’t know, but I can imagine she might have. If Mary and I are similar in any way, she would sit down and write the words “why” she would try and come up with a list that brought purpose to this pain. That list might have been filled with wise answers or it might have been a blank sheet with tear stains. As a parent with a neurodiverse child I can also imagine that you have questioned the purpose behind the diagnosis. Why is this a part of my child’s story? He has a plan. And you, as a parent, are vital to this plan. Do your part and follow faithfully, like Mary.
Mary watched her son be beaten and mocked, but oh that faithful third day! “May everything you have said about me come true” May the hard days come so that I may cry out to the Father. May the questions arise so that I may talk to the Father. And may joy come because on the third day Jesus rose from the grave. And it all came true.