It’s not what you or your parents did
Life is hard and there seem to be lots of questions and few answers about why it works the way it does. I have talked with many parents who have a child diagnosed with a neurodiversity and oftentimes they questions why their child has a difference in processing. We love our kiddos with neurodiversities, but that doesn’t mean hard days don’t come. Days when getting up and working through the tantrum just doesn’t feel possible, in those moments questions come. Did I do something to make my child the way they are?
I don’t have the answers as to how someone develops a neurodiversity, and frankly, I don’t think anyone truly knows. What I do have confidence in, comes from Jesus’ words Himself “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but the works of God might be displayed in him.” (John 9:3) Jesus says these words when referring to a man born blind. Society questioned why this man had a disability, they even went so far as to ask who sinned, the man or the man's parents? (John 9:2). Relatable? The days when your kiddo is melting down in the Target aisle and people around you give you ‘the look’…We all know the look I am referring to.
Society questioning what we did as parents to cause this hardship for our child is not an easy assumption to ignore, however, it gets better. Jesus responds to the questioners and gives us the answer as to why our children have neurodiversities, He says “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of GOD might be displayed in him.” On the days when questions arise, when tantrums take over, when we get ‘the look’ in Target, take heart because God will be displayed in your child through the challenges they face.